Small Red Buildings
by Stephen Schaub
What could be more iconic than the little red New England barn?
Small Red Buildings by Stephen Schaub is a collection of thirty-seven photographs of small buildings that are red. They aren't all barns, though some of them are. They're also tool sheds, outhouses, storage shacks, milking sheds. All of the photographs were taken in Vermont and Upstate New York during winter.
"The stark quality of winter with the red buildings was the perfect marriage," said the photographer. "A lot of them were photographed in snowstorms. Even the cover image, if you look at it you can feel the snow coming down."
"Driving around Vermont and upstate New York, many things surprise me about them," comments Eve Schaub in the introduction. "They strike me as both omnipresent and endangered at the same time: they seem to be everywhere I look until I try to find them. Set against the perfectly contrasting snowy landscape, the little red building conjures up a stereotype, an image out of a movie set, yet in practice they are infinite in their variety and character."
"Stalwart and fragile, solid and gaping, in use and abandoned; they wobble and lean, perch, hover, and play hide and seek. Most prefer to be plain, but for those that would be fancy, they have their own brand of finery: white trim, flags, antlers, and the occasional wooden fish."
Small Red Buildings is part of "One Week One Book", a series of photographic art books that explores a single theme. Anthropologic, quirky and sometimes voyeuristic, the books look at wide-ranging subjects, from portraits of the backs of people's heads, to still-lives depicting the contents of their refrigerators. The title of the series, "One Week One Book", is both a statement of artist intention and call to action for the reader. Schaub challenged himself to make a photographic essay on a single subject, and turn it into a book, every week for twelve weeks. READ ABOUT THE SERIES.
Small Red Buildings is available as a single book or in a set of twelve titles.
DETAILS: 86 pages | 8"x9" | perfect-bound | 2020 | ISBN 978-1-927587-37-9 | Published by Kasini House